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Creating Opportunities, Motivating Business, Education + Development.

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So happy to have you here! At COMBED, we believe in the power of knowledge and the cultivation of confident + successful artists. Creating opportunities for you to thrive by empowering personal + professional development through authentic education in all forms!
Take a look around, you might find just what you've been looking for!


Expand your skill-set

Expanding skill-sets beyond teaching techniques is the first pillar of Combed Educations mission. 

See, there is a ton of "how-to" information in the industry and our goal is to empower the understanding of the "why-to" mentality. 

Understanding WHY leads to confidence in choosing the right techniques, choosing proper formulas and more accurately predicting the final results. Knowing what the hair is going to do and the why, is the skill-set we focus on.

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Enhance your mindset

The second pillar of our mission is mindset. Mindset is a mental and emotional attitude towards something. Having a healthy mindset around learning in this ever-changing industry is crucial to success behind the chair and beyond the chair. Our goal is to enhance your mindset leading to more confidence (especially in challenging situations), and ultimately a more successful career.

Prepare to have your mind blown

The final mission of Combed Education is to ensure that you have a mind-blowing experience. Whether you attend and in person workshop, on-line learning, listen to the Let's Talk Hair podcast or read our BLOG. Every step of your journey with Combed is strategically thought out so that your experience is unlike anything you've ever seen. Taking education to a whole new level, our vision is to elevate the industry and help you Level-up.

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The FUNdamentals is my signature course-shop.

You'll learn the tools and strategies to level-up your confidence in the fundamentals of hair + hair color and master your craft.

A unique fusion of hands-on learning in the digital world.


...Struggled with not feeling confident in your formulation?


...Resorted to using the same few tubes or bottles color on every client?


...Sought formulation advice from coworkers or even other stylists on the internet? (HELLO Facebook forums)


...Held your breath and crossed your fingers, praying to the Color Gods that your formula will turn out right?

I've been there.
I've felt the panic when a result didn't come out right.
I've experienced the fear of taking on a "project" client.
I spent years learning lessons the hard way!

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I'm finally ready to share all that I have learned...with you!

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Grab your journal and check out the blog.

The COMBED EDUCATION blog is a resource for both veteran stylists, and the newbies alike. Full of content about hair, hair color, hair science,  mindset, business and so much more!


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Put in your air pods and tune in...
let's talk hair!


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My mission is to help save you years of learning lessons "the hard way"

let's get social

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